Dr. Yuhsun Edward Shih earned his Education PhD degree from Capella University with the specialization in Instructional Design for Online Learning. His dissertation researched the effectiveness of mobile learning. Dr. Shih was the instructional Designer at California State University, San Bernardino and the CSUSB’s Blackboard system administrator, and have been teaching online courses at several universities since 2007.


Publications and Presentations

Presented “A New Dimension for SCORM Compliant Online Courses

Twelfth IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands

Published “Setting the New Standard with Mobile Computing in Online Learning

Journal of International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (a special edition for Mobile Learning)

Presented “Dynamic Language Learning

Online Teaching Conference, California Community Colleges

Presented “Cyberclass: Mobile Teaching and Learning

9th annual CATS Conference

The Community of Academic Technology Staff Conferences

Presented “Learning to Go: Blending Mobile Learning in Traditional Classroom

11th Annual TechEd International Conference & Exposition, Community College Foundation

Presented “Apply Mobile Technology in Foreign Language Learning

21st Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning, University of Wisconsin

Presented “Language in Action: Applying Mobile Classroom in Foreign Language Learning”

5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies

IEEE Computer Society, Taiwan

Presented “Seize Teachable and Learnable Moments: SMSE Instructional Design Model for Mobile Learning” (Received Outstanding Paper Award in the conference)

IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning, Malta

Presented “Mobile Learning: Applying Mobility in Online Learning

Ancient Studies – New Technology III Conference, James Madison University, Virginia

Published “Design E-Commerce Websites for Small Business”

Unalis Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan


Other Scholarly Activities

Served as a program committee in “The first Sino-USA Forum on English, Web and Education”, Yuexiu University of Foreign languages, Shaoxing China

Served on program committee in the “I International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: Applications, Technology and Social Issues”, University Symposium on Pervasive Computing of Alcala, in Spain

Served on program committee in “The First International Symposium on Pervasive Computing and Applications” Xinjiang, China